Thread: Mein Drumpf
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Old 02-12-2019, 10:34 PM   #628
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Originally Posted by MavzMan View Post
There is a difference between a Native American pun and The Trail of Tears. Yes, it was Native American pun as in an "indian trail" which I am very familiar with and is very much different than The Trail of Tears.
SMH, the guy used "Pocahontas" as a pejorative in the very same tweet... But go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to if it helps you sleep better at night.

Originally Posted by MavzMan View Post
When have I EVER said I was "fully on board" with Trump? The whole "fine people" comment referring to the shit head white nationalists was a truly stupid and moronic thing to say.
He called white supremacists who MURDERED a girl "fine people" and you only think that was "stupid and moronic"??? Nah, dude -- Jessica Simpson being confused about tuna fish being called "chicken of the sea" was stupid and moronic... Trump siding with LITERAL Nazis should have been the line for *decent* people.

Originally Posted by MavzMan View Post
The fact is that ~50% of the american people voted for him and he's trying to do policy that reflects the wishes of those people.
Actually, only 26% of eligible voters cast their vote for Trump (because most people don't vote)... His views don't even come close to representing a majority of this country.

Originally Posted by MavzMan View Post
Building that damn wall is one of the main things that those voters all wanted regardless if it works or doesn't work in the long term. He ran on it and has tried to deliver that promise, yet congress is stopping for the ONLY purpose of just not wanting him to "get a win". There is zero denying that.
The Republicans controlled every branch of the government for the last 2 years, so he had plenty of opportunity to get his wall built... The only reason he waited until the Dems got control of Congress is because the wall has always been a stupid waste of money and the Republicans needed a scapegoat to get out of a misguided promise that he made on the campaign trail. Otherwise the wall would have already been funded.

Non-partisan sidenote: if you REALLY, REALLY wanted to secure the border, the best use of our money would be to coordinate with the Mexican military to completely wipe out the cartels, who have ruined Mexico's economy and forced their citizens to seek opportunity in the USA. Or you can legalize/regulate vice across the board and wipe out the black market demand that keeps them in business... But there's no money in a cure -- corporate farmers need their cheap labor and politicians need their boogeymen.

Originally Posted by MavzMan View Post
The whole reason I'm forced to defend him
I'm gonna cut you off right there because you're not FORCED to defend Trump... He's a big boy who can defend himself. You're worried about how YOU'RE being perceived for supporting him. If someone calls him a Nazi, then you feel like they're calling you a Nazi... Don't tie your identity up in this guy (or any politician), it's not worth it.

Like I said earlier, if you're a better person than what comes out of Trump's mouth, then BE a better person. You don't have to "side" with him just because you voted for him. You don't have to "side" with him on every issue if you only agree with him on some issues. You don't have to "side" with him just because there's an (R) next to his name... But if you truly believe in all the vile shit he says, then OWN it... And if you DON'T, then distance yourself from it.

But stop trying to spin Trump into something he isn't -- he's straightforward about who he is, his supporters need to start doing the same.

Originally Posted by MavzMan View Post
I've been on this board for over 10 years and it's really sad if I get banned and have to "get the fuck off" because you can't deal with any type of discussion or difference of opinion on very serious topics.
If you think I'm going to ban you because of your political beliefs, then please allow me to clarify: I will NEVER ban anybody for having a difference of opinion, and I'm certainly not going to ban you over what you posted.

When I said "get the fuck off" I was referring to the Trump bandwagon, not I absolutely LOVE talking Mavs with you, and nothing that we argue about in this thread changes any of that.

What I meant is that if you're not 100% all-in on the shit Trump spews, then hop off the wagon... You don't need to choose a side; sometimes both sides are wrong.

Originally Posted by MavzMan View Post
And if you want to legitimacy in your arguments, calling out your own party goes a long way.
Yeah, the Democrats aren't "my party" -- if Trump hadn't gotten the Republican nod, then I certainly wouldn't have voted for Hillary... The last time a Clinton was on the presidential ticket, I voted for Bob Dole (and I didn't vote for Obama either, in case you're wondering)... But I recognize the danger in a guy like Trump -- he's a narcissist, far more concerned with his "legacy" than with the American people, and he knows nothing about politics. We've known who this business-bankrupting, coke-snorting, womanizing fuckwit is for the last 50 years, it's not like he suddenly changed just because he decided to run for president.

And those blackface Democrats absolutely deserve to be raked over the coals... But no level of "whataboutism" changes the fact that Trump is pushing xenophobic policies that go against the nature of what it means to be an American. Let the fascists and commies conduct themselves that way -- we're supposed to be better than that.

These days being a fan is a competition to see who can be the most upset when
your team loses. That proves you love winning more. That's how it works.

Last edited by Underdog; 02-12-2019 at 10:53 PM.
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