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Old 09-26-2008, 08:40 AM   #6
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92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future

I'm laughing so hard I can barely contain myself.

The majority if not most of America doesn't care if the debate is held tonight or next week or some other day...we all know that their will be some debates.

In the debates, we all know that both McCain and Obama will have canned answers which wont amount to much of anything on either side.

If anything, we are observing McCain and how he will lead, while we are watching as Obama will hide from the work, skirt his responsibilities and manipulate the system...when I was in the military, this guy would have been considered a Sham Specialist.

On the flip side, I noticed that Obama is too chicken to do a Town Hall meeting style of debate. What is he afraid that real people will ask him real questions and that he won't be protected by handlers or debate moderators.

If Obama wanted to make a bigger joke out of his childish response, he could've stated that he would leave his plane in MS and hang out in DC to make sure that McCain gets on his plane, even offer to ride on the plane with him.

I hope beyond hope that Obama doesn't come close to getting elected, this guy is the biggest joke...if he and his behind the scenes string pullers were not so dangerous with their liberal/communist type of views, this would be funny...


This is not a game and American Lives are at stake, not just ours, but many many future generations will be negatively effected by this guy.

My apologies, but I have some serious hatred of the Left and Obama at the moment and I believe that they are playing politics rather than doing their jobs...they did it with the War on Terror and they are doing it with a National Banking Crisis. They will stoop to anything simply to win votes and gain power...if they would simply serve the people as their job calls for, then perhaps we would not be in this mess.

Forget logical arguements, my emotions are boiling over.

In the end McCain will debate Obama, but again I don't care when and where and niether do most Americans...they would rather see this crisis taken care of and see a person willing to fulfill his responsibilities than to shurk his responsibilities as a Senator.

These actions show the Character of these two men and quite frankly McCain is showing us the Character that I want in a leader, while Obama is running and pouting because he is unable to 'Change' with the needs of the people.
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