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Old 08-06-2002, 07:06 AM   #1
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Rumor Mill
Educated Guesses On Rashard, Etc.

By Mike Fisher -- DallasBasketball.com
Here’s the very latest assorted barstool observations about Nowitzki, Lewis, Garnett, Najera, Wang and more.
And the beauty is, most of the observations are made with members of the Mav family sitting at the next barstool down:

Mavs officials continue to talk about Rashard Lewis as if they’ve got him penciled – not inked, but penciled – onto the roster. Tacoma writer Frank Hughes tells us he believes that Lewis is “60 or 70 percent’’ likely to come to Dallas because he doesn’t believe Seattle will budge much on its deal.

Will the Mavs still need a bruiser? In their minds, the answer is “no’’ – if that bruiser isn’t also an offensive threat. The goal is to defeat Shaq’s Lakers, and Dallas believes that to do that, he’s got to be forced to cover somebody. That was one of Dallas’ problems in the Sacto series; there was a one-dimensional defender on the floor at most times, therefore freeing up Vlade Divac and others to roam and help. Lewis, Mavs coaches think, will allow Dallas to play defense and rebound “by committee.’’

Our story about the concern of Germany’s ability to pay for Dirk Nowitzki’s insurance policy so he can participate in the World Games was scoffed at for a few days. But three weeks after we wrote it, the Dallas Morning News wrote a version of our same story. And in town this week to follow up on the potential controversy? Sports Illustrated. And if you still don’t think it’s an issue, pretend it was YOU risking YOUR $10-million-a-year body. As much as you love your country, would you do it for free, without somebody providing a guarantee?

Speaking of insurance, confirmation comes from all over now that the idea of Lewis purchasing a policyfor himself in the event of injury is uncommon in the NBA, but it is done.

The Eduardo Najera negotiations are not going well, with Najera’s side seeing him as a Malik Rose type and the Mavs arguing that El Rayo is a role player who will benefit from being in Dallas more than he would being elsewhere. As dry as this market is, Eddie might want to understand that he’s a classic tweener and snap up what’s being offered. You can bet the organization has reminded Eddie that last fall he was a struggling 15th man on the roster, and that he blossomed in part because of the talent around him. Mark Cuban, by the way, is the point man on this deal (as he was on the Raef LaFrentz negotiations).

If we didn’t make this clear enough on the Kevin Garnett-to-Dallas thing, we’ll take another stab: The New York Daily News emailed Tony Cubes, asking if he’d be interested in KG. Tony Cubes responded, “of course.’’ And away we go! This just in: If you email Cuban about his interest in Duncan, Shaq, Kobe and Kidd, you will receive four more “of courses.’’

One of Cuban’s cutest tricks with Lewis was warning him that if he remains in Seattle without a supporting cast, he might become a pariah along the lines of recent Sonics villain Vin Baker.

It’s hard to say whether LaFrentz is “overpaid’ at seven years and $69 mil, because we don’t even know what the market is. But the basketball side of the organization views Raef as a top-10 center – and doesn’t think there are many more than 10 good centers total.

Dallas remains confident that Wang Zhizhi will end up back here for around $2 mil a year. But they still aren’t touching him with a 10-foot pole – and won’t until Wang and the Chinese government settle their differences. Unlike Najera, Dallas hasn’t spoken with Wang about one single dollar. That’s how careful they’re being in regard to upsetting China.

How much does LA provide the model for the Mavs? One staffer says Rashard Lewis “can be our more effective Robert Horry.’’

The smartest NBA'er all summer? Greg Buckner, who gets his three-year, $18-mil deal done with Philadelphia before anybody realizes that that's WAY overpriced for this guy in this market. And on top of everything else, old friend Buck is still saying all the right things: “I have been told so many times that I don’t have a position,’’ Buckner says.” I think I am just a basketball player. I do whatever it takes for the coach. Whenever he says he wants me to do something, that’s what I am going to do. That is my plan: to go out and have fun.’’ A genius, that kid.

The Byron Russell discussions should be characterized as “Plan B.’’ If Eddie doesn’t work out, if Lewis doesn’t work out, the groundwork has been laid for a Russell-to-Dallas move. There is debate, though, whether B-Russ is a good player on the decline, or a good player whose stock is temporarily down afrer a subpar season and is therefore a bargain.

Both Hughes and Percy Allen of the Seattle Times, beat writers who deal with Lewis on a daily basis, rave about the kid’s maturity. But Allen says he sometimes seems “insecure,’’ and Hughes criticizes Lewis for being a less-than-stellar ballhandler and post player. But Hughes actually spins that into a compliment, adding, “and he still is a 17-7 guy. … He lacks understanding about the game, and he can still be a 20-10 guy.’’

As long as Rashard is going to be in Hawaii this week for Desmond Mason’s b’day, the kid might as well swing over to Nellie’s crib for some golf and some of neighbor Willie Nelson’s homemade brownies.

The New Yawkers are at it again. This time, not only are the Mavs giving away Nick Van Exel for a bag of magic beans, but the Mavs are also willing to take Allan Houston off the Knicks’ hands. The NY media seems intend on trading the Knicks entire roster for the Mavs entire roster, huh?

It’s kind of faded from the front burner, but yeah, the Mavs still have that 7-Foot Mystery Man in their sights. And all we know new is that no other team has a shot at him, for whatever that’s worth

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