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Old 05-01-2014, 09:52 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
Yes, and those people that cry racism when it's not there actually make it more difficult for those that are actually victims of racism. I'm sure just about everyone has been a victim of racism at one point or another.
That's what Sterling shows---it's always there. It's never "not there". Even individuals who might be of goodwill and good intentions exist in a culture and in a society where racism is an ever-present force.

You can fight it or you can fuel it. Which are you doing, Murph?
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Old 05-01-2014, 10:33 AM   #122
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I might have to move this thread into the political forum soon...

These days being a fan is a competition to see who can be the most upset when
your team loses. That proves you love winning more. That's how it works.
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Old 05-01-2014, 11:07 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by Jack.Kerr View Post
That's actually an interesting question, because apparently Clippers Team President Andy Roeser doesn't know the sound of his employer's voice well enough to be able to authenticate the tape recording: "We do not know if it is legitimate [the tape] or it has been altered."

Roeser does, however, recognize the voice of the owner's companion/girlfriend/mistress/hooker well enough to be able to identify her as the defendant in a civil lawsuit brought by Sterling's wife seeking return of cash, jewelry, cars, real estate and other gifts that Sterling dispensed to her during the course of a 4-year extra-marital affair/relationship. #UnemployableAnywhereInTheNBAFormerTeamPresident

Nor is Sterling's wife of 60+ years familiar enough with the sound of her estranged husband's voice to be able to tell for sure if it's him on the tape, according to ESPN's Lisa Salters. #chutzpah

At least one person, one Mr. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who was previously in Stering's employ as recently as 2000, was willing to go on record as saying that he recognized Sterling's voice:
Funny how that works isn't it?

But if you go back to the very first post in this thread from nearly four years ago, you have accounts of Baron Davis being heckled from courtside by Sterling for being out of shape, and for playing poorly. So there's that. And maybe we should all be blaming Baron Davis right now for not going over mid-game and snapping the old man's neck like a twig. #PlayOn!

And then, if you read a couple of posts back, there's the information that came out in NBA legend Elgin Baylor's wrongful termination suit regarding player complaints [by former Maverick Sam Cassell, former Maverick Elton Brand, and Corey Magette] of Sterling bringing women/ girlfriends/ companions/ mistresses/ hookers into the lockerroom after NBA games while players were showering and encouraging the women to ogle the naked athletes as if they were livestock with comments like "Look at those beautiful black bodies." So there's that too.

And if you read some of the decades-long stack of allegations of racist statements and attitudes attributed to Sterling by former players and employees, you'll find where he allegedly said of/(to?) Danny Manning during contract negotiations "That's a lot of money for a poor black kid." So apparently Sterling injects himself into contract negotations, at lest to some degree.

And while Mrs. Sterling may not have been able to authenticate her husband's voice on-tape, she did have this to say: "The team (which is, or at least was worth an estimated $600 million) is the most important thing to my family." If true, does that sound like a family who is detached from the day-to-day goings-on of the franchise?

Maybe Sterling isn't as hands-on an owner as Cuban, but I'd say judging from a quick scan of available evidence that Sterling crossed paths with the players on more than an intermittent basis.

So you'd just ignore it? Keep your head down, and keep on working for someone, making a lot of money for a man who obviously didn't respect you or regard you as an equal person? Here's the thing: Sterling isn't just 'a racist' like any guy off the street. He's the longest tenured owner in the NBA, which is one of the highest-profile sports leagues in the world. He's the owner of an NBA franchise with a decades-long history of oncourt failure largely attributed to his unwillingness to pay (mostly African-American) athletes enough to remain with the team.

If Sterling feels like that about the players his team employs, can you imagine what he must feel like about the fanbase with a large number of African-Americans and Mexican-Americans who come to his games?

Oh wait! You don't have to imagine! Sterling's past comments on people like that are part of the public record in the form of court proceedings. Because in addition to being an NBA owner, Sterling is one of the wealthiest men in Southern California (net worth nearly $1.5 Billion), with a real estate empire and an extensively documented record as a slum lord, with numerous tenant complaints over unfair housing practices that resulted in a near $3 million fine by the U.S. Justice Department.

While Sterling's attitudes toward Asian-Americans are, in a perverse way, not quite as toxic:

...still they can't be characterized as positive.

And while Sterling apparently quite enjoyed the company of women other than his wife, LOTS of women, his attitudes toward them were not, shall we say, 21st-century enlightened:

So, Melonhead, you say, "But I'm not African-American. I'm not Mexican-American, I'm not Asian-American, and I'm most definitely NOT a woman! What does any of this have to do with me? Anyway, they're playing a sport!"

And let me hasten to say, Melonhead, that I understand your confusion. I have seen and heard attitudes like yours expressed often by people who are not African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, or women--i.e. white males who've never been on the business end of the discrimination stick, and who, thus, have not developed any sense of empathy for people mistreated by incorrigible, unrepentant, elitis, classist, bigoted, chauvinistic, sexual predators like Donald Sterling. (Now, I'm not necessarily assuming that you're a white male, but I will observe that your perspective sounds very similar.) So maybe your sense of empathy for people in that situation isn't finely honed, but surely you have a mother? A sister? A wife? A daughter? Maybe a non-white-male friend? Would you really want any of them to have to work for a man like Donald Sterling?

Even as a white male (correct me if that's wrong), would you yourself want to work for a man like Donald Sterling? Would you just politely bow your head when he became abusive and demeaning, and wait for that twice-a-month paycheck? When you pose the question "....how long does one have to dwell on an ignorant person saying something ignorant...", I think you're posing the wrong question. Instead the question is "How long do you ignore the behavior of a bigot like Donald Sterling? How long do you have to put up with it?"

And the answer is: "Not one second longer than you have to."

And guess what? The players (and coaches) on the Clippers and the players across the league have figured out they don't have to put up with it any more. Those recordings are game-changers. Current Clippers players no longer have to put up with what past players, and past employees, and past tenants of buildings owned by Donald Sterling have had to put up with for decades.

Those recordings (and the others that are sure to come) will force the league to address a problem (Donald Sterling) that it had allowed to fester for far too long. In retrospect, Donald Sterling may be the indelible blemish on David Stern's NBA legacy, the ugly sh!tstain that Stern managed to keep hidden while he was NBA Commissioner, but who became impossible to ignore once Stern retired. (To be fair, Sterling loves playing hardball. David Stern attempted to fine Sterling $25 million in 1984 for relocating the Clippers from San Diego to Los Angeles without league approval. Sterling in turn sued the league for $100 million, and Stern ended up penalizing Sterling a mere cost-of-business $6 million by withholding his share of new expansion franchise fees. Maybe King David's fingers were singed enough by that interaction that he was reluctant to lock horns with Sterling thereafter.)

So to the question: "...how long does one have to dwell on an ignorant person saying something ignorant ..."? When that person is Donald Sterling, the answer for NBA players right now is "You dwell on it until Sterling is out of the league, or at least disassociated from Clipper ownership."

And after that? Is Sterling the only NBA owner with questionable social attitudes and business practices? Sadly, probably not. Is he the most extreme case? Gosh, you have to hope so. <...cough...Dolan...cough>

But if other similar examples to Sterling's years-long dossier of misbehavor come to light, the NBA Players Association should be prepared to point to Sterling as an example of the cost of doing nothing, and insist that the league be prepared to act.

As for the rest of us? When we hear with our own ears a billionaire, social- and power-elite like Sterling expressing an unequivocally bigoted mentality, and we see that mentality clearly manifested in his business practices over the years, we shouldn't bury our head in the sand and pretend that we're somehow 'post-racial'.

And when we see recent Supreme Court decisions that allow a majority of voters to abolish Affirmative Action programs; or that allow state legislatures to draw voting districts in such a way as to minimize minority political representation; or that allow state legislatures to pass Jim Crow-esque voter requirements that result in the suppression of racial minorities' voting rights, we should ask ourselves exactly whose interests the Supreme Court is protecting. If you're a billionaire, social- and power-elite without a conscience like Sterling, you can feel comfortable enough. But if you're a non-white-male, non-billionaire, non-social-and-power elite, chances are that Roberts, Scalia, & Alito ain't workin' for you.
There are't a lot of message boards that bring the wood like this. Impressive.
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Old 05-01-2014, 11:39 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by Jack.Kerr View Post
Thanks. That's a great insight. But you know she loves you back!

P.S.: Her net worth penis is about twice as big as Sterling's. Wouldn't it be awesome, Murph, if she and David Geffen (whose net worth is about 4x that of Sterling) formed an owernship group? The first female owner and the first gay man owner in the NBA! You might never sleep again!

Why would you think I have any problem with a gay owner or female owner? I have absolutely no problem with either. If you're a big enough of a jackwagon to attack me on the forum in such a manner without merit, it tells us alot about you.

Yes, I think Oprah Winfrey is a minority that actually detracts from those suffering from actual racism with some of her comments especially with regards to Obama. I also think she is a self serving person that gives more for the sake of attention than for the sake of giving. The Ticket used to do some funny bits regarding her. When she'd have a guest on talking about their charity, Oprah would always cut them off and one up them. To me, that screams is someone that does something for self serving reasons. Yes, it's obviously still good for the recipient, but it rings just a little bit hollow. The world is absolutely full of people such as this. Many people give with sincerity in their heart. Many people give for their own personal gain. Oprah, to me, gives for her own personal gain... it helps the ratings of the show and paints her in a more favorable light. Perhaps I am overly cynical with regards to her. But, it is merely based on what I have seen, heard, and read concerning her and nothing else. I would have have absolutely no issue with a female owner. I would have no issue with a gay owner.. I would have no issue with a gay/female/african american owner although I do prefer my gay females to be caucasian.

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Old 05-01-2014, 11:44 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by Jack.Kerr View Post
Suppose you're in a business partnership (that's what the NBA is, right?) ....operating say...a restaurant, and one of your business partners is revealed to be a racist on the order of Sterling. Customers stop coming. Catering gigs dry up. Vendors stop selling to you. Longtime employees file discrimination suits. You have trouble getting skilled kitchen help, waitstaff, etc. Your landlord becomes difficult to deal with. You have trouble getting insurance for your business. The Health Department starts sending Mr. González out for what become every-two-week inspections, and you can't ever manage to come out of an inspection with less than 50 penalty points, and you keep having to close your business for Health Department-ordered repairs, and this starts getting disseminated via social media, and sites like Yelp. The local paper puts you on the front page publicizing your recent business difficulties. The local news station comes and stands in your empty parking lot and does a 4-minute segment about the racist business partner, about your recent problems with employees, vendors and the Health Department.

Would the non-culpable business partners be required to stay in business with the racist business partner? Or could they say, "Hey, this thing's going down the toilet. All of us are going to lose our investment if we can't attract business and resolve these employee lawsuits. We can give you this much money right now for your interest in the business, you leave, go far, far away, and say nothing publically ever again about our business, or our business relationship or the fact that we were ever even acquaintances; or we can all go down in flames together." If he refuses your offer, are you obligated to stay in business with him? Or can you dissolve the business relationship and re-open somewhere else on your own?

The NBA's situation is complicated, and complicated by the fact that they don't seem to have a clearcut provision for getting out themselves out of this situation. (In fact, now you've got an owner like Cuban saying that he doesn't even want such a provision.)

And even if the NBA declares that everyone on the team can be a free agent, what's to stop Sterling from suing and saying that the league has diminished the value of his investment? Or that the loss of draft picks is excessive punishment, and similarly negatively affects the value of his investment? Or that they have coerced him into divesting? Damned if they do, gosh-damned if they don't. Gonna be costly either way.

What stopped Cuban from suing Stern and saying that $500,000 was excessive or his remarks critical of NBA offciating? Where is the line? By comparison, Sterling's remarks were private, and released without his knowledge or consent. What gives the league any authority at all to punish him?

Their authority is what they say it is, and what they want it to be, whatever they have the collective will (and perhaps resources) to enforce. The other owners will have to make a business decision about how much they're willing to let Sterling cost them either in terms of a buyout, a forced buyout, protracted legal battles or lost business revenues, and labor difficulties, and general brand degradation.

29 other owners scruffling up $20 million apiece to buy Sterling out. Is there an NBA owner out there who can't get their hands on $20 million?
I haven't read the full goings-on, but I can say with certainty that any initiative impacting ownership woul need to be carefully measured.
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Old 05-01-2014, 12:08 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Jack.Kerr View Post
You may be right. But I'd point out that Sterling is 80 now, not 50. Some of that Fighting Lawyer spirit just may not be there anymore. And he will no longer have his favorite status symbol (the Clippers), around which he's said to've anchored much of his social life. Yeah, he'll still have acquaintances and hangers-on, because billionaires don't have to be lonely. But I suspect that for a lot of social A-listers (or D-listers even), an evening at the court of Donald Sterling isn't going to carry the same cachet it once did.

Also, safe to say that he is no longer enjoying the comfort and companionship of Ms. Stiviano as he has for the last 4 years, and again, as Sterling made clear to her, he can find another girl, or more precisely, he can find a girl to do what he wants. But somehow I suspect that age 80, variety isn't the novelty it used to be, and that familiarity is the bigger comfort.

What's more, Sterling lost his youngest son (from whom he had reportedly been estranged) to a drug overdose a year and a half ago. His wife of 60 years (from whom he's been estranged for the last several years) may finally be ready to divide assets and move on, and distance herself from a man who has humiliated her and her family. Sterling's surviving children are almost certainly embarrassed and sickened both by the emergence of the tapes, and likely angered by the way he has treated their mother for the last several years, with his public carryings-on with women 50 years younger. His son-in-law has already publically decried Sterling's comments on the tapes.

All of which is to say, Sterling may find himself a social pariah, isolated from family and friends who don't want to be associated with his now public attitudes on race. Most of the people who will be around him on a day-to-day basis will be people whom he's paying, and while he may already be long-accustomed to that, at some point, seeds of doubt begin to sprout.

Again, he's 80 now, not 50. Some of that Warrior Lawyer spirit may've been blunted off with time. And in a protracted legal battle (or multiple battles if his wife finally presses for divorce), time may no longer be on Sterling's side. So the question is 'fight this all the way to where?'. If it's a fight to the death, the NBA may be able to wait him out.

When the league is 80% homosexual, it will definitely be a concern.
I think you entirely underestimate the defendant, as it were.
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Old 05-01-2014, 01:05 PM   #127
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Jack Kerr, exactly what Jim Crowe esque law are you referring to
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Old 05-01-2014, 01:29 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by Five-ofan View Post
Jack Kerr, exactly what Jim Crowe esque law are you referring to
I'll honor the Moderator's subtle hint to keep things as basketball-related as possible in this thread, but if you want to start a thread in the Politics section you might entitle it Shelby County v. Holder (decided last June), which invalidated Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, and then examine the (white-water) raft of changes in election law at the state and local level (that began within hours of the Shelby decision being announced) that impact minority voting rights in areas such as voter registration, voter ID, poll access, reduced voting hours, reduced voting days, just to name a few.
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Old 05-01-2014, 01:42 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Jack.Kerr View Post
I'll honor the Moderator's subtle hint to keep things as basketball-related as possible in this thread, but if you want to start a thread in the Politics section you might entitle it Shelby County v. Holder (decided last June), which invalidated Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, and then examine the (white-water) raft of changes in election law at the state and local level (that began within hours of the Shelby decision being announced) that impact minority voting rights in areas such as voter registration, voter ID, poll access, reduced voting hours, reduced voting days, just to name a few.
I find the outrage over voter Id laws to be... Hilarious. Iv had to have an ID to vote since I was 18 and talking to my parents so have they. If you don't have to have an ID how exactly do you stop voted fraud?
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Old 05-01-2014, 02:05 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by Five-ofan View Post
I find the outrage over voter Id laws to be... Hilarious. Iv had to have an ID to vote since I was 18 and talking to my parents so have they. If you don't have to have an ID how exactly do you stop voted fraud?
I think the solution is to propose a cheek swab and sign-in selfie, coupled with a digitized voter registry for confirming authenticity.

Suddenly, showing your ID like at a hotel check-in seems as easy as a Tony Parker layup again.

Is this ghost ball??

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Old 05-01-2014, 02:07 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by Five-ofan View Post
I find the outrage over voter Id laws to be... Hilarious. Iv had to have an ID to vote since I was 18 and talking to my parents so have they. If you don't have to have an ID how exactly do you stop voted fraud?
I just started a thread in the Political Arena forum, with a link to an article which provides a broad overview of the types of changes that disparately and disproportionately affect minority voters. It's way more than just Voter ID.

NBA-related here, please.
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Old 05-01-2014, 02:11 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by DirkFTW View Post
Suddenly, showing your ID like at a hotel check-in seems as easy as a Tony Parker layup again.
Nothing is THAT easy... As a matter of fact, I propose we switch "as easy as stealing candy from a baby" with "as easy as a Tony Parker layup" in the American lexicon.

These days being a fan is a competition to see who can be the most upset when
your team loses. That proves you love winning more. That's how it works.

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Old 05-01-2014, 02:27 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by Underdog View Post
Nothing is THAT easy... As a matter of fact, I propose we switch "as easy as stealing candy from a baby" with "as easy as a Tony Parker layup against a Mavs defense" in the American lexicon.
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Old 05-01-2014, 02:28 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by Underdog View Post
Nothing is THAT easy... As a matter of fact, I propose we switch "as easy as stealing candy from a baby" with "as easy as a Tony Parker layup" in the American lexicon.

Easy, you say? Release the hounds.

Is this ghost ball??
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Old 05-01-2014, 02:36 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by DirkFTW View Post

Easy, you say? Release the hounds.

These days being a fan is a competition to see who can be the most upset when
your team loses. That proves you love winning more. That's how it works.
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Old 05-01-2014, 02:45 PM   #136
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Default NBA Basketball: I Loved This Game

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Old 05-01-2014, 03:13 PM   #137
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I think that's the second time that particular hound failed to attack a child on command...

Is this ghost ball??
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Old 05-01-2014, 04:43 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
Oprah is one that blames the dislike of Obama simply due to his race..not due to his ineffectiveness as a leader. All comments like that do is divide the country further.
Might want to read her comments again. She said that there is built-in disrespect that the office of the President gets because of his race (a point with which I totally agree) but nowhere has she ever said "all of the negativity towards Obama is because of his race" (which is, correct me if I'm wrong, the sentiment you're attributing toward her).

Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
And no, I'm not a Republican. I do lean that way, but I have voted for both Democratic and Republican candidates many times throughout my lifetime both in Presidential and local elections.

Spreedom, apparently you have your head buried in the sand.. That's ok.
Strawman argument... I never called you a Republican. I just asked if you have a problem with people who you identify as liberal. That can't be the case, can it?

Surely not.
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Old 05-01-2014, 06:44 PM   #139
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Old 05-02-2014, 12:37 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
Why would you think I have any problem with a gay owner or female owner?
For starters, because of this:
Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
I f'ing cannot stand that worthless piece of sh!t.
in response to this:
Originally Posted by Jack.Kerr
Oprah Winfrey and David Geffen reportedly in queue of potential buyers for Clippers franchise.

Oprah would be a great owner. Go to a Clippers game, look under your chair, find her latest book recommendation.
Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
I have absolutely no problem with either.
Please forgive my skepticism, because there's also this, as a followup:

Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
Yes, I think Oprah Winfrey is a minority that actually detracts from those suffering from actual racism with some of her comments especially with regards to Obama. I also think she is a self serving person that gives more for the sake of attention than for the sake of giving. The Ticket used to do some funny bits regarding her. When she'd have a guest on talking about their charity, Oprah would always cut them off and one up them. To me, that screams is someone that does something for self serving reasons. Yes, it's obviously still good for the recipient, but it rings just a little bit hollow. The world is absolutely full of people such as this. Many people give with sincerity in their heart. Many people give for their own personal gain. Oprah, to me, gives for her own personal gain... it helps the ratings of the show and paints her in a more favorable light. Perhaps I am overly cynical with regards to her. ... I would have have absolutely no issue with a female owner. I would have no issue with a gay owner.. I would have no issue with a gay/female/african american owner although I do prefer my gay females to be caucasian.
You began by interjecting an utterly gratuitous personal comment (attack?), which could've been about either Winfrey or Geffen, but somehow coming from you I knew it was about the former, not the latter.

Then you fall flat on your butt with an utterly contradictory (and unconvincing): "But I'd have no problem with either.", when you'd just Touretted: "I f'ing cannot stand that worthless piece of sh!t."

If the female owner is Winfrey (as per the original post), is it your position that while you "...f'ing cannot stand that worthless piece of sh!t." , you'd have no problem with her as an NBA owner? That's not credible. I mean, while I doubt the NBA Board of Governors will take your objections into account in any event, if it matters to you enough to decry her as a "worthless piece of sh!t", then logically you'd prefer not to see her as an NBA owner.

It's kind of like having said that you have no problem with gays/lesbians, you just don't want to see them marrying one another; or that while you know homosexuality is immoral you don't have any problem with them getting married; --the latter statement negates the believability of the former.

You then go on to offer a contrived justi-fiction of why you dislike Winfrey in an attempt to back away from the obvious reason that she's African-American, but even then, you can't resist closing with this Sterling-esque flourish:
Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
although I do prefer my gay females to be caucasian.
while elsewhere citing a similar distaste for other African-Americans:

Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
...but you do see alot of prevalent African Americans cry racism at the drop of a hat. She is one. I cannot stand people like that. Oprah Winfrey, Jim Brown, John Wiley Price, Jessie Jackson..all disgusting human beings that do more to further the gap between races.
Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
But, it is merely based on what I have seen, heard, and read concerning her and nothing else.
And that's exactly how I've formed my perception and opinion of you--based on what I've seen and read not ABOUT you, but directly FROM you. I'd say there's more than enough basis in this thread alone to respond to (not attack) your obviously racially-tinged world view, but if that weren't enough, you have made over 38,000 posts in this forum over 13 years. (I know you'd have even more posts, except for the bannings.) I'm pretty sure I've had you on 'Ignore' for at least part of the time I've been here because your comments were so odious and empty, but in a mistaken gesture of generosity, I apparently clean-slated you at some point. (Fortunately, there's an easy fix for that. Note: NSFW, but when you go to add the name "Murphy3" to your "Ignore List", there's quite an interesting number of 'variants' that appear. Clearly Murphy3's reputation exceeds him.) Even allowing for how people can evolve over 13 years, I know more about your thoughts on race than I do either of my two next-door neighbors.

In closing, I just have to point out the irony of you on the one hand articulating your visceral disgust over a list of African-Americans pointing out racism where you disagree (choose to ignore) that it exists, and on the other hand you railing at being "attacked" without basis, where clearly basis exists for a response (not an attack). Basis, there is plenty.

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Old 05-02-2014, 02:20 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by chumdawg View Post
I think you entirely underestimate the defendant, as it were.
Perhaps. Or perhaps I overestimate the importance to him of having people other than sycophants and suckups surrounding him. Or perhaps I underestimate the willingness of those in his orbit to continue to associate with him. I agree, it's difficult to know for sure.

However there is this report, with the caveat that you have to consider the source (NYPost) (Warning: Photo of Donald Sterling in tighty-whiteys below):

This could wind up being a pretty short ban.

Disgraced racist Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling is battling cancer — surprising those around him by beating the final buzzer for as long as he has, sources told The Post on Thursday.

“They thought he would die two years ago,” one source said of Sterling, who on Tuesday was banned for life from the NBA for his now-infamous recorded racist rant.

“People have been predicting his imminent demise. I’m sure he has the best . . . drugs money can buy,” said the source, who works closely with pro sports teams. “He can do anything to keep himself alive.”

The source said some of the medication Sterling has been taking is responsible for the puffy appearance of his face.

Another source said Sterling, 80, was specifically suffering from prostate cancer.

In an ironic twist, Sterling refused to pay for prostate-cancer surgery a decade ago for then-Clippers assistant coach Kim Hughes.

“I contacted the Clippers about medical coverage and they said the surgery wouldn’t be covered,” Hughes told The Journal Times of Racine, Wis., in 2011.

“They said if they did it for one person, they’d have to do it for everybody else.”

Four Clippers players chipped in to cover the $70,000 cost.

Meanwhile, Sterling has been phoning friends for support, sources said.

“He’s calling everyone, saying: ‘Tell me I’m not a racist,’ ” a source said, noting that the friends are refusing, for fear that Sterling was recording them.

Sources said Sterling has also been telling friends that he doesn’t understand the public furor over his recorded comments tothen-girlfriend V. Stiviano, whom he scolded for publicly “associating with black people” and told not to bring any black friends to “my games.”

And insiders at ABC said Sterling was in negotiations to chat with Barbara Walters for a “20/20” interview.

An ABC spokesman declined to comment.

Media consultant Bobby Grossman said Sterling’s best hope for public forgiveness would be to “confront his demons, but he’s got to be honest about it.”

“The only recourse for someone like Donald Sterling is to come out and say: ‘I am a racist . . . I will spend the rest of my life trying [to change].’ ”

Modal TriggerDonald Sterling in a photo taken by an alleged mistress.Photo: Inside Edition

Sources also said that since the scandal erupted last week, Sterling has been holed up in the penthouse atop a nearly empty office building he owns in Beverly Hills.

He fled the oceanfront Malibu mansion he shares with his estranged wife, Shelly, paranoid about being electronically recorded, a neighbor said.

“She and Donald think there are bugs everywhere since this happened, even on their phones . . . At the office, there’s concrete walls . . . and they can sweep for bugs,” the neighbor said.

On Thursday, a deliveryman brought two pizzas to the penthouse. Sterling’s office didn’t return a call for comment.
If true, there is some additional stress to his existence.

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Old 05-02-2014, 10:07 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by Jack.Kerr View Post
For starters, because of this:

in response to this:

Please forgive my skepticism, because there's also this, as a followup:

You began by interjecting an utterly gratuitous personal comment (attack?), which could've been about either Winfrey or Geffen, but somehow coming from you I knew it was about the former, not the latter.

Then you fall flat on your butt with an utterly contradictory (and unconvincing): "But I'd have no problem with either.", when you'd just Touretted: "I f'ing cannot stand that worthless piece of sh!t."

If the female owner is Winfrey (as per the original post), is it your position that while you "...f'ing cannot stand that worthless piece of sh!t." , you'd have no problem with her as an NBA owner? That's not credible. I mean, while I doubt the NBA Board of Governors will take your objections into account in any event, if it matters to you enough to decry her as a "worthless piece of sh!t", then logically you'd prefer not to see her as an NBA owner.

It's kind of like having said that you have no problem with gays/lesbians, you just don't want to see them marrying one another; or that while you know homosexuality is immoral you don't have any problem with them getting married; --the latter statement negates the believability of the former.

You then go on to offer a contrived justi-fiction of why you dislike Winfrey in an attempt to back away from the obvious reason that she's African-American, but even then, you can't resist closing with this Sterling-esque flourish:

while elsewhere citing a similar distaste for other African-Americans:

And that's exactly how I've formed my perception and opinion of you--based on what I've seen and read not ABOUT you, but directly FROM you. I'd say there's more than enough basis in this thread alone to respond to (not attack) your obviously racially-tinged world view, but if that weren't enough, you have made over 38,000 posts in this forum over 13 years. (I know you'd have even more posts, except for the bannings.) I'm pretty sure I've had you on 'Ignore' for at least part of the time I've been here because your comments were so odious and empty, but in a mistaken gesture of generosity, I apparently clean-slated you at some point. (Fortunately, there's an easy fix for that. Note: NSFW, but when you go to add the name "Murphy3" to your "Ignore List", there's quite an interesting number of 'variants' that appear. Clearly Murphy3's reputation exceeds him.) Even allowing for how people can evolve over 13 years, I know more about your thoughts on race than I do either of my two next-door neighbors.

In closing, I just have to point out the irony of you on the one hand articulating your visceral disgust over a list of African-Americans pointing out racism where you disagree (choose to ignore) that it exists, and on the other hand you railing at being "attacked" without basis, where clearly basis exists for a response (not an attack). Basis, there is plenty.
Wow, so because I don't want Oprah to be an owner means that I have a problem with a black woman owning a basketball team? That's rather idiotic on your part.

How do I "obviously" have a racially tinged world view? Please tell me. I would absolutely love to know. Considering my family is part African American... I'd really like to know. Or are you saying that anyone with African American in their family should automatically like Oprah? That sounds as if you're guilty of racial profiling.
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Old 05-02-2014, 10:11 PM   #143
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So, what's wrong with pointing out that some African Americans cry racism at the drop of a hat? It is an absolutely true observation. I by no means believe that racism does not exist. However, falsely claiming racism in certain instances simply detracts from real instances of racism. Please tell me the fault with that logic oh great one. I suppose you're not familiar with Aesop's Fables and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"..
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Old 05-02-2014, 10:16 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by Jack.Kerr View Post
That's what Sterling shows---it's always there. It's never "not there". Even individuals who might be of goodwill and good intentions exist in a culture and in a society where racism is an ever-present force.

You can fight it or you can fuel it. Which are you doing, Murph?
Of course there is always racism. However, when you have people such as Oprah stating that the reason as to why most people do not like Obamacare is because Obama is black... Or John Wiley Price getting angry and crying racism because someone refers to something in the budget as a "black hole".. Well, that takes away from the actual racism.

Yes, there will always be some racism. Obviously. No one is saying that there won't. My point is that when you cry wolf to make excuses for something not going your way, you actually hurt those that are truly struggling with the impact of racism.
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Old 05-02-2014, 10:21 PM   #145
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Why in the hell was this moved to the political forum? The link to politics is very, very minimal.. Obviously much more linked to the NBA. Looks like a little over moderation. It's not exactly like the Around the NBA forum is hopping right now.
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Old 05-02-2014, 10:24 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
Why in the hell was this moved to the political forum? The link to politics is very, very minimal.. Obviously much more linked to the NBA. Looks like a little over moderation. It's not exactly like the Around the NBA forum is hopping right now.
I don't see any talk pertaining to the NBA in this thread. If you guys wanna talk racism and toss around Obama's name, then you're talking politics... It is what you and Jack.Kerr made it.

If you don't like the moderation on this site, then start your own.

These days being a fan is a competition to see who can be the most upset when
your team loses. That proves you love winning more. That's how it works.

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Old 05-02-2014, 10:34 PM   #147
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The last time I checked, Oprah Winfrey is a potential NBA owner.. Donald Sterling is a current NBA owner.. but hey, that was just the last time I checked.
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Old 05-02-2014, 10:37 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by Murphy3 View Post
The last time I checked, Oprah Winfrey is a potential NBA owner.. Donald Sterling is a current NBA owner.. but hey, that was just the last time I checked.
But nobody is talking about Donald Sterling, and all of the Oprah talk has been reduced to her race (and I'm not just pointing the finger at you)... But if you guys want to talk about what kind of owner she'd be beyond your political leanings, I'd be happy to put this thread back in the Around The NBA section. I mean, she's only the most successful female entertainer in America - that should have SOME kind of impact on the Clippers... Why just talk politics and racism?

These days being a fan is a competition to see who can be the most upset when
your team loses. That proves you love winning more. That's how it works.

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Old 05-02-2014, 10:50 PM   #149
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Why does it have anything to do with political leanings? I don't dislike Oprah because of her political leanings. I actually thought she was a conservative with the exception of when she backed Obama. My dislike of Oprah has to do with her crying racism when things don't turn out the way she wants..and has to do with her use donations/charity to further her celebrity. I don't care for it with someone like Oprah.. I don't care for it with someone like Garth Brooks... That's why I don't like Oprah. Do I think she'd make a good owner? If you want someone such as her involved with the sport, that's up to you. I have absolutely no interest in it. It has nothing to do with race or her sex. It has to do with who she is and the way she attempts to manipulate the public by her "good deeds" that she always finds a way to publicize as much as humanly possible. I don't really care for that too much.
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Old 05-05-2014, 12:13 PM   #150
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Originally Posted by Underdog View Post
Why just talk politics and racism?
Wait, all the talk about relying on genetics as a crutch instead of working hard and how some people must be given everything instead of creating with their own hands was about politics and racism????

I thought it was about Blake Griffin's game!

Is this ghost ball??

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Old 05-05-2014, 02:10 PM   #151
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With all the QQ about which sub-forum this belongs in, perhaps we should move it to the D-M.com section now.
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Old 05-05-2014, 03:44 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by EricaLubarsky View Post
With all the QQ about which sub-forum this belongs in, perhaps we should move it to the D-M.com section now.
I dunno, with that sans-pants photo, maybe this needs to be Baylissed.

Is this ghost ball??
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Old 05-05-2014, 07:41 PM   #153
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freedom of speech is the thing we have to hold high on a pedestal as sacred above all other rights and this guy did not go out publicly and say anything

he was basically baited into doing this by his GF who happens to be much younger than him and wanting to hang out with young virile black men who are all probably wanting to bang her.

That is why he said what he said and he must know how whupped he looks to us. I have the guy figured out because his GF is basically wrapping him around her little finger and he lets her get away with it because he loves that pooty tain.

Shit this has nothing to do with racism its all about pooty tain and getting it. This guy just does not want to share his tail with anyone else and can you blame him she is somewhat attractive despite the bad plastic surgery and if I was as ugly and old as him I would be somewhat upset if my relatively hot GF wanted to hang around much younger black men all looking to tap that ass.

And that might make me act a little racist as well so I can't really fault that he feels that way. I would like to think that insanity that women create would not affect me but hey it has been known to affect me in the past and it was only by my discovering the wonders of topless bars that I was able to avoid the madness created by loving a single woman.

I'd have told the bitch to hit the road and get gone a long time ago if that was the problem but evidently he is in love. Dude just go to the nearest strip club and find you another one and tell her she can suffer the consequence of her actions. If she can't be happy with what you give her then tell her hit the road bitch. Go find some other fool to pay your bills or on your knees and please me and don't forget to swallow. Not a drop better hit the ground or you will be down there licking it up. Capiche now come over here and let me smack that ass. ASk her if she has a sister and invite her over for dinner.

You share the rod and you spoil the broad.
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Old 05-05-2014, 10:42 PM   #154
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Ugh... did we really need shades of sexism and domination in this thread? I guess this is never getting moved back to the NBA section.

Is this ghost ball??
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Old 05-06-2014, 10:04 AM   #155
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Originally Posted by soundchaser View Post
freedom ????????????????

filthiest post I’ve ever seen on this board – disappointed.
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:42 AM   #156
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Originally Posted by soundchaser View Post
freedom of speech is the thing we have to hold high on a pedestal as sacred above all other rights and this guy did not go out publicly and say anything

he was basically baited into doing this by his GF who happens to be much younger than him and wanting to hang out with young virile black men who are all probably wanting to bang her.

That is why he said what he said and he must know how whupped he looks to us. I have the guy figured out because his GF is basically wrapping him around her little finger and he lets her get away with it because he loves that pooty tain.

Shit this has nothing to do with racism its all about pooty tain and getting it. This guy just does not want to share his tail with anyone else and can you blame him she is somewhat attractive despite the bad plastic surgery and if I was as ugly and old as him I would be somewhat upset if my relatively hot GF wanted to hang around much younger black men all looking to tap that ass.

And that might make me act a little racist as well so I can't really fault that he feels that way. I would like to think that insanity that women create would not affect me but hey it has been known to affect me in the past and it was only by my discovering the wonders of topless bars that I was able to avoid the madness created by loving a single woman.

I'd have told the bitch to hit the road and get gone a long time ago if that was the problem but evidently he is in love. Dude just go to the nearest strip club and find you another one and tell her she can suffer the consequence of her actions. If she can't be happy with what you give her then tell her hit the road bitch. Go find some other fool to pay your bills or on your knees and please me and don't forget to swallow. Not a drop better hit the ground or you will be down there licking it up. Capiche now come over here and let me smack that ass. ASk her if she has a sister and invite her over for dinner.

You share the rod and you spoil the broad.
Wow. I can't decide whether I should remove this and ban you, or leave it and let people see your ignorance. I'm leaning toward the latter for now.

For the record, I'm assuming you didn't actually listen to the audio or read anything about this incident, because Sterling actually told her he was fine if she slept with "them", as long as she wasn't seen in public.

So...no..it has nothing to do with "pooty tain" and everything to do with racism. And sexism. And some misogyny thrown in for good measure.
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Last edited by jthig32; 05-06-2014 at 12:19 PM.
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Old 05-07-2014, 05:11 PM   #157
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Last edited by Underdog; 05-07-2014 at 06:19 PM. Reason: overmoderation
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Old 05-08-2014, 03:53 PM   #158
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^^I know Underdog probably had a very good reason for changing the post, but I am genuinely curious about what soundchaser said.
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Old 05-11-2014, 04:57 PM   #159
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Getcher popcorn ready.

"NEW YORK -- LeBron James understands it will take time, but he wants Donald Sterling out of the NBA.

And he said Sunday that NBA players believe nobody in Sterling's family should be able to own the Los Angeles Clippers if he's gone.

Sterling has been banned for life for making racist comments and commissioner Adam Silver has urged owners to force Sterling to sell the franchise. But Silver said no decisions had been made about the rest of Sterling's family.

The attorney for Shelly Sterling, Sterling's estranged wife, said her client intends to keep her 50 percent of the franchise."
"Yankees fans who say “flags fly forever’’ are right, you never lose that. It reinforces all the good things about being a fan. ... It’s black and white. You (the Mavs) won a title. That’s it and no one can say s--- about it.’’
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Old 05-11-2014, 05:49 PM   #160
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Yeah, I don't know how they are going to deal with Shelly's half. How can they force her to sell when she has done nothing wrong?
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