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Old 08-17-2003, 12:07 PM   #1
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Default Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

Bombs Away!
The top 10 biggest box office failures

By Kat Giantis
MSN Entertainment

"Gobble, gobble. It's turkey time." Those prophetic words are spoken by Jennifer Lopez in "Gigli," a movie that cost $56 million to make, millions more to promote, and yet took in only $3.8 million during its opening weekend. Heck, that's probably less than Bennifer have spent on Bentleys and Rolls-Royces this year. In Hollywood terms, it's a bomb, a turkey, a dud, a big old stinkeroo.

But don't cry for Ben and Jen. While "Gigli" may be a disaster (one critic called it "the worst movie of our admittedly young century"), it's certainly not the biggest flop ever to grace the big screen. Not even close. That dubious honor is shared by 10 films (well, 11, including a war-themed double bill) that tanked so spectacularly that their failures shut down studios and ended careers. So, without further ado, here are our picks for the 10 biggest turkeys of all time.

Gobble. Gobble.

10. "Howard the Duck" (1986, Universal)
Budget: $37 million
U.S. Box Office: $16 million

The Plot: Based on Steve Gerber's '70s Marvel comic-book character and executive produced by George Lucas, this charmless, pun-filled fowl-fest centers on a smart-aleck quacker from another planet who's accidentally beamed into Cleveland, where he hooks up with punk rocker Lea Thompson, battles various villains using "quack-fu," and saves the planet.

Turkey Trivia: Lucas reportedly spent $2 million on the duck suit, in which eight separate actors waddled their way into film infamy. "Howard" also contained one of the most disturbing seduction scenes ever: After Thompson's character discovers a condom in the birdman's wallet, she coos, "You think I might find love in the animal kingdom?" Ew.

What the Critics Said: "The movie is too scuzzy to beguile children, too infantile to appeal to adults ..." -- Richard Corliss, Time

The Aftermath: Lucas escaped unharmed from the debacle, but director/co-writer William Huyck wasn't so lucky. Despite co-writing credits on "American Graffiti" and "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," his career was effectively over. Meanwhile, Universal head Frank Price quit shortly after the film was released. Variety reported the news thusly: '''Duck' Cooks Price's Goose.''

9. "Hudson Hawk" (1991, Columbia TriStar)
Budget: $60 million-plus
U.S. Box Office: $17.2 million

The Plot: A reformed cat burglar (Bruce Willis, who also co-wrote) is blackmailed into stealing priceless Leonardo da Vinci artifacts. The heist flick features Willis and fellow thief Danny Aiello warbling ditties such as "Swingin' on the Star," which might explain this piece of dialogue: "I'll torture you so long, you'll think it's a career."

Turkey Trivia: Before a single frame of film had been shot, TriStar shelled out a cool million to construct da Vinci's gold machine, the film's first big sight gag. And once filming was completed, more moolah was reportedly needed to digitally buff up Willis' fading hairline.

What the Critics Said: "A movie this unspeakably awful can make an audience a little crazy. You want to throw things, yell at the actors, beg them to stop. But the film drags on, digging horrible memories into the brain ..." Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

The Aftermath: "Hudson" swept the 1991 Golden Razzies, "winning" Worst Picture, Worst Screenplay, and Worst Director for Michael Lehmann, whose career was heavily dinged. Willis, whose vanity project this was, survived several more bombs (e.g., "The Last Boy Scout," "Striking Distance," "Hart's War") and is still going strong.

8. "Ishtar" (1987, Columbia)
Budget: $55 million
U.S. Box Office: $12.7 million

The Plot: Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman insult the memory of the Bob Hope-Bing Crosby "Road" movies in this Elaine May-directed desert-set tale of two supremely untalented singer-songwriters who land a Moroccan gig but make a pit stop in the fictional kingdom of Ishtar. Soon, they're embroiled in an extremely volatile Middle East political situation, which, if possible, is even less funny now than it was then.

Turkey Trivia: Notorious perfectionist May spent months editing the film, reportedly turning in a print only when the studio threatened legal action.

What the Critics Said: "This movie is a long, dry slog. It's not funny, it's not smart and it's interesting only in the way a traffic accident is interesting." -- Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times

The Aftermath: The stars, who pocketed a then-impressive $5.5 million apiece, emerged relatively unscathed from what was billed as the most expensive comedy ever made. Hoffman won an Oscar the following year for "Rain Man," but May never directed again, preferring to stay behind the scenes as a writer (e.g., "Primary Colors," "The Birdcage"). The film's title is now synonymous with movie bombs: Kevin Costner's gill-filled "Waterworld" was infamously dubbed "Fishtar," although at least that movie eventually broke even.

7. "Inchon" (1981)/"Battlefield Earth" (2000, Warner Bros. Pictures)
Budget: $50 million/$73 million
U.S. Box Office: $1.9 million/$21.5 million

The Plot: A truly dire moment in the Laurence Olivier oeuvre, "Inchon" finds the famed thespian committing multiple dramatic atrocities as he channels Gen. Douglas MacArthur in this failed Korean War epic. In "Battlefield Earth," it's the year 3000 and humans are slaves. In the campiest performance this side of a Judy Garland imitator, John Travolta plays a dreadlocked, platform-shoed 7-foot alien baddie named Terl, who was "groomed from birth to conquer galaxies." Too bad he wasn't groomed to conquer the box office.

Turkey Trivia: We've paired these turkeys together because of their spiritual connections. Namely, "Inchon" was produced by Rev. Sun Myung Moon (he of the mass marriages) and his Reunification Church, while "Battlefield Earth" was based on a novel by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology. Travolta, a vocal proponent of the religion, was instrumental in getting the film made.

What the Critics Said: "The worst movie ever made." -- Multiple reviewers on "Inchon"

"A million monkeys with a million crayons would be hard-pressed in a million years to create anything as cretinous as 'Battlefield Earth.'" -- Rita Kempley, Washington Post

The Aftermath: "Inchon" was quickly pulled from theaters, and Moon has thankfully shied away from making more movies. As for "Battlefield Earth," Travolta had no remorse, even though the film collected seven Razzies, tying the record haul of "Showgirls." "The bottom line is that I feel really good about it," said the unrepentant star, who has threatened to make a sequel. Yeah, good luck with that. Travolta subsequently bombed in follow-up fare such as "Domestic Disturbance" and "Basic."

6. "Cleopatra" (1963, 20th Century Fox)
Budget: $44 million ($259 million today)
U.S. Box Office: $26 million ($153 million today)

The Plot: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton begin an adulterous on-set affair that turns into a worldwide media sensation. Oh, the plot of the movie. Once billed as the most expensive film of all time (and might still be champion), this Joseph Mankiewicz-directed historical costume epic stars Taylor as Cleopatra and Burton as Marc Anthony. There are some truly amazing sets and a cast of thousands (literally).

Turkey Trivia: Four years in the making, "Cleopatra" went through seven writers, two directors (Mankiewicz finished it, reportedly with the help of some stress-relieving uppers and downers), and the near-death of its leading lady (Taylor came down with meningitis and had an emergency tracheotomy, delaying production for months). The actress received an unheard-of million-dollar payday to essay the Queen of the Nile, a fee that reportedly ballooned to $7 million with all the overtime. A four-hour version debuted to tepid critical response in New York in June of 1963.

What the Critics Said: "A monumental mouse." -- Judith Crist, New York Herald Tribune

The Aftermath: Though "Cleopatra" was the highest-grossing movie of 1963 and was nominated for nine Oscars (it won four), it wasn't enough to rescue 20th Century Fox, which was fighting to survive. To save money, the studio shut down for four months, forcing 2,000 people out of work, and sold off its expansive back lot. The era of extravagant historical epics was over, and Mankiewicz's career suffered the consequences. Oh, and Taylor and Burton married and divorced ... twice.

5. "Heaven's Gate" (1980, United Artists)
Budget: $44 million
U.S. Box Office: $3 million

The Plot: If you can untangle the epic plot, give yourself a prize. This much we know: Michael Cimino directed this Western based on the 19th-century Johnson County wars. It stars Kris Kristofferson, Christopher Walken, John Hurt, Sam Waterston and Isabelle Huppert. Beyond that, you're on your own.

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Turkey Trivia: The film's original budget of $11.5 million ballooned as the out-of-control and unsupervised Cimino shot and reshot. The egomaniacal auteur, whose contract stipulated that the film be no longer than three hours, ended up shooting 1.5 million feet of film, enough for several feature-length movies. The original cut, which debuted in New York, clocked in at nearly four hours and was eviscerated by critics.

What the Critics Said: "An unqualified disaster." --Vincent Canby, the New York Times

The Aftermath: The massive failure of "Heaven's Gate" forced the fire sale of United Artists to MGM. It also helped usher in a new era of corporate bean-counting, marking the end of a decade of groundbreaking cinema. Cimino, who had earned so much good will (not to mention a Best Director Oscar) for "Deer Hunter," became persona non grata in Tinseltown and was reduced to making lousy movies ("Desperate Hours," "Year of the Dragon") with a post-fame Mickey Rourke.

4. "The Postman" (1997, Warner Bros.)
Budget: $80 million to $100 million
U.S. Box Office: $17.6 million

The Plot: In a post-apocalyptic future, a Shakespeare-quoting mail carrier (Costner, who also directed) leads mankind to rebel against its oppressors. A grateful nation repays the messiah-like postal worker by erecting a massive statue in his image. Is it any wonder audiences guffawed at the riotously earnest trailer, which contained such clunkers as, "I don't think we ever really understood what letters meant to us until they were gone."

Turkey Trivia: In addition to putting three of his kids in the three-hour-plus movie, Costner took a page from Bruce Willis' handbook and showed off his vocal skills (or lack thereof) by dueting with Amy Grant on Lovin' Spoonful's "You Didn't Have To Be So Nice" over the closing credits. We're guessing the six people who actually sat through the credits weren't impressed.

What the Critics Said: "Goofy and gee-whiz when it isn't being post-apocalyptic glum, it is such an earnest hodgepodge that only by imagining 'Mad Max' directed by Frank Capra can you get even an inkling of what it's like." -- Kenneth Turan, the Los Angeles Times

The Aftermath: Costner's post-"Dances With Wolves" directorial follow-up seriously cramped Warner Bros. earnings in 1997 and swept the Razzies, winning Worst Picture, Worst Actor, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay and Worst Song. Onetime golden boy Costner continued to make bad choices, including such duds as "3000 Miles to Graceland" and "Dragonfly."

3. "Town & Country" (2001, New Line)
Budget: $85 million to $90 million
U.S. Box Office: $6.7 million

The Plot: Peter Chelsom, who previously helmed the Sharon Stone dud "The Mighty," directs this middle-aged sex comedy starring Warren Beatty and Garry Shandling as very married men caught cheating on their wives (Diane Keaton and Goldie Hawn).

Turkey Trivia: If the words "middle-aged sex comedy" weren't enough to scare off audiences, then the long-term bad buzz probably was. Three years in the making, "Town" went into production without a script, a surefire recipe for disaster. Soon, its original $40 million budget was spiraling as the flick went through rewrite after rewrite, with Chelsom reportedly shooting a Cimino-worthy 1.3 million feet of film. The studio, which had bumped the film's release date a whopping 13 times, made a last-ditch attempt to reach its target market — women over 25 — by running a rare profanity-filled "red band" trailer before R-rated movies. It didn't work.

What the Critics Said: "It is one of the most chaotic and puerile movies ever made, full of tasteless adultery and some downright offensive vulgarity ... It is awful to see talented stars without a clue as to who they are supposed to be portraying or what they are supposed to be doing." -- Liz Smith, the New York Post

The Aftermath: Chelsom, who's currently directing Jennifer Lopez and Richard Gere in "Shall We Dance," remains bitter about the experience, telling the Post, "Warren insisted on dozens of script changes and reshoots. He now wants to pretend that he was just one of many actors following directions like everyone else. It's ridiculous and insulting." Beatty, who dropped out of Quentin Tarantino's upcoming "Kill Bill," hasn't made a movie since "Town & Country."

2. "Cutthroat Island" (1995, MGM/Carolco)
Budget: $100 million-plus
U.S. Box Office: $9.9 million

The Plot: A swashbuckling Geena Davis hits the high seas opposite Matthew Modine in a pirate movie directed by Renny Harlin. 'Nuff said.

Turkey Trivia: Michael Douglas was originally tapped to play the male lead, but jumped ship after Davis' role was bulked up by hubby Harlin. Keanu Reeves, Liam Neeson, Jeff Bridges, Ralph Fiennes, Charlie Sheen and Michael Keaton all reportedly turned down the role before Modine signed on. Among the little extras that helped push the original $65 million budget past the $100 million mark: Harlin commissioned — at a million bucks each — working replicas of battle-ready 17th-century ships.

What the Critics Said: "'Cutthroat Island' is a bloated, jokey production whose motto, no doubt tattooed on the back of some poor assistant director's neck, could well be, 'When in doubt, blow something up.'" -- Kenneth Turan, the Los Angeles Times

The Aftermath: "Cutthroat" failed to shiver anyone's timbers: It was yanked from theaters after a mere two-week run. Carolco, the company that financed the dead-in-the-water movie, went down with the ship. A year later, Davis and Harlin re-teamed for "The Long Kiss Goodnight," which also failed to ignite the box office. A year after that, the couple split up.

1. "The Adventures of Pluto Nash" (2002, Warner Bros.)
Budget: $90 million to $100 million
U.S. Box Office: $4.4 million

The Plot: Eddie Murphy is a suave nightclub owner tussling with the mob. Oh yeah, it's the year 2087, and his bar is on the moon.

Turkey Trivia: "Nash," which had been in development since 1980, sat on the shelf for two years before crash-landing in theaters. Murphy refused to promote it, though we can hardly blame him. What could he say about a movie whose trailer begins, "Somewhere between Earth and Uranus, you'll find Pluto Nash"?

What the Critics Said: "Eddie Murphy delivers his lines with that weirdly relaxed, fake-enthusiastic bonhomie that telegraphs, just below the surface, a what-am-I-doing-here? bafflement desperate enough to match Elvis Presley's in his worst bombs." -- Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly

The Aftermath: "Pluto" took in a paltry $2.2 million in its opening weekend, with Variety's Peter Bart declaring it "Instant Ishtar" and adding that its opening "seemed more like a boycott than a bow." Murphy followed up with back-to-back bombs "I Spy" and "Showtime" before retreating to the safety of the kiddie genre, where he hit with "Daddy Day Care."
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Old 08-17-2003, 12:33 PM   #2
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Default Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

That was a great list. I'm happy to say that I've only seen 5 of them.
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Old 08-17-2003, 12:40 PM   #3
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Default Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

i might have seen howard the duck. i'm sure i've probably caught part of Cleopatra...plus, i probably caught hudson hawk. Besides that, I've seen none of them

I'm glad that they didn't put Waterworld on the list. I always hear people talk about what a bust it was financially. That movie raked in the cash when you consider the box office world wide.
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Old 08-17-2003, 12:49 PM   #4
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I don't see Waterworld listed.
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Old 08-17-2003, 12:54 PM   #5
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Default Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

I'm glad that they didn't put Waterworld on the list
...by murphy3

I don't see Waterworld listed.
... by chiwas.

well, neither did I. That's why I said "I'm glad that they didn't put Waterworld on the list"

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Old 08-17-2003, 12:59 PM   #6
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Default RE: Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

I've seen two. And parts of 3 others. How sad.
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Old 08-17-2003, 01:05 PM   #7
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happy to say that i haven't seen any of them. but i have seen my share of other horrible movies.
I love Michael Finley!!!
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Old 08-17-2003, 01:42 PM   #8
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Default Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

Since I see every comic based movie, I've seen "Howard the Duck".

Since I see nearly every sci-fi movie, I've seen "Battlefield Earth" and "The Postman" (although I have to say that The Postman is a damn fine book by David Brin - I was shocked at how bad the movie was).

Since I'm a glutton for punishment, I've seen "Hudson Hawk" and "Ishtar".

I watched "The Adventures of Pluto Nash" last week so I guess I'm up to 6.
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Old 08-17-2003, 07:15 PM   #9
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I've only seen Howard the Duck...and I remember loving it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
It has been a while though....

Smile like you mean it
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Old 08-17-2003, 07:21 PM   #10
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Default Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

Originally posted by: Murphy3
I'm glad that they didn't put Waterworld on the list
...by murphy3

I don't see Waterworld listed.
... by chiwas.

well, neither did I. That's why I said "I'm glad that they didn't put Waterworld on the list"
I use to skip your posts. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

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Old 08-17-2003, 10:53 PM   #11
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Default Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

I've seen the Postman and Pluto Nash. Both of which I waitted to watch on TV. What is the movie called with Trovalta? Battlfied Earth? I know that lost alot of money. Ali with Will Smith, while it gained 50 mill it cost alot more to make. How can you sit up and spend 100 miliion on a film and not get those proceeds back? I imagine TV and rentals have to pay up huge.

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Old 08-17-2003, 11:36 PM   #12
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Default RE: Biggest Movie Bombs of all time

Speaking of stupid movies...
Did anyone catch Red Water on TBS. It has got to be the worst I've ever seen. Big huge foam rubber shark, bad acting, and whenever any tiny little bit of dramatic tension was built was quickly dissipated by the chearleader doing cartwheels in the bottom right corner of the screen to advertise college football coverage. Absolutely hilarious.
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