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Old 09-15-2010, 04:53 PM   #1
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Glenn Beck: The Roots of Obama's Rage
[Insider] Audio Available:

September 15, 2010 - 12:38 ET

The Roots of Obama's Rage
by Dinesh D'Souza

GLENN: I saw an article in Forbes magazine a few days ago from Dinesh D'Souza, an extraordinarily bright man, an extraordinarily I mean, a guy who has in the past I have read some of his books and has captured, I think, the feeling and love of America, like very few people can. And I'm reading this article from him in Forbes magazine and quite honestly I'm reading it and going, yes, thank you, yes, somebody really gets it, and has a better handle on it than I think anybody else out there. It is an explanation of what is going on. The one thing that we haven't done is we haven't looked at the philosophy of Barack Obama. You can't make sense of what they're, what they're doing in Washington. None of it makes sense. None of it fits into the mold of the president of the United States or Democrats or Republicans. It just doesn't make sense. And when I was on after 8/28, and I got a lot of heat for this but again it's because people don't the people on the left don't want you to hear this message. Chris Wallace said, you know, you called the president a racist, blah, blah blah. And I said, poorly stated and almost I don't remember what exactly I said to him but almost infantile in its understanding of the president. I couldn't figure out what the president was doing and I missed the fact because I hadn't really looked into him. It becomes almost an illusion of racism. And it's not racism. It's anticolonialism. It is it's liberation theology, which is also in a way anticolonialism. It's Marxism in its roots. And when you understand these things, all of a sudden everything makes sense. When you understand and we did this how long ago? Eight months ago on television. His grandfather and his father, when you understand what they were doing, you all of a sudden can see Barack Obama and where he's going.

Well, Dinesh D'Souza has a book out, The Roots of Obama's Rage. And if it is anything I haven't read it yet and Dinesh is here with us. Hi, Dinesh, how are you, sir?

D'SOUZA: Hey, Glenn. Good to be on the show.

GLENN: Good to be with you. Pat and I read this article, we were carpooling the other day and he read it out loud and we were looking back and forth and we were looking at each other going, yes, yes.

PAT: That's it!

GLENN: Thank you, Dinesh. Is that what the whole book is about?

D'SOUZA: It is. The article is a little escargot. It's a little appetizer for the book, but there's just so much more in the book. And what's interesting is people are yelling and screaming about the article but they have no idea what's coming in the book in about three weeks.

GLENN: This comes out in about three weeks?

D'SOUZA: Yeah, the book can be preordered now but it will be in the stores in three weeks.

GLENN: I have to tell you, Dinesh, I have, I have not I've read a couple of books about Barack Obama and I don't ever finish them because they never get it right. I can guarantee you I will finish this book because you're on it. You are on it.

D'SOUZA: Well, it's my world. See, the thing is I'm an immigrant to America. I grew up in India. And as a young boy anticolonialism was in the air. My father, my grandfather, this was India became independent from the British in 1947. So this idea, the anticolonialist philosophy, which is the philosophy that the greedy, rapacious West is ripping off the poor countries, the idea that America is a rogue elephant in the world stampeding across the planet, consuming resources out of its share

GLENN: Okay, hang on. Before you go on, when I read this in the article, I immediately looked at Pat and I said, this will connect with people if you say the Story of Stuff. The left, have you seen the Story of Stuff? The left has done the Story of Stuff and we went over that like 18 months ago. That America is consuming all of the world's resources, that America has stolen things from other countries. So this is not a first of all, will you deny the Birther thing?

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D'SOUZA: Absolutely.

GLENN: Okay.

D'SOUZA: The Birther thing is a diversion. See, Barack Obama was born August 4th, 1961, and he was born in Hawaii. And the reason we know this, the single best piece of evidence is that there were notices of his birth in two local newspapers.

GLENN: So you have to be

PAT: All part of the plan.

GLENN: Right.

PAT: It was all part of conspiracy.

GLENN: You have to go to a Manchurian Candidate.

PAT: You really do.

GLENN: At birth.

PAT: It's so ridiculous.

D'SOUZA: But I think what's so significant is that Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, when Newt Gingrich praised my article and praised my argument and said it was the most insightful look at Obama that he had ever seen, Gibbs, the press secretary goes, well, they are just raising the issue of where Obama was born. So this poor guy


D'SOUZA: He had evidently not read the article, I know he hasn't read the book. I actually want to send him a signed copy, one for him and one for Obama.

GLENN: I'm not sure he can read, so

D'SOUZA: I don't know about that.

GLENN: I've listened to his answers, so I'm not sure he can read.

But let me just go back here. This has nothing to do with Birthers or anything else. This doesn't have anything to do with race and that's why I said my comment, what, a year and a half ago was infantile on its understanding of Obama because that's your gut that says, wait a minute, it's about race. No, it's not. It's not about race. It is about colonialism, which is still the message of the left, that America is stealing the resources of the rest of the world.

D'SOUZA: Yeah, the problem with the race theory and the problem with so many theories about Obama is we all look at Obama and we try to in a sense project American history onto him.


D'SOUZA: This is done on the right, it's done on the left, but we're ignoring Obama's own history. So what's interesting is all these people yell and scream, Maureen Dowd in today's New York Times yelling and screaming implying that this is some sort of race argument and saying, where does Dinesh get all this crazy stuff. And the answer is, I'm getting it from Obama.

An interesting way to get at this is to ask what is Obama's dream. Is it the American dream? Is it Martin Luther King's dream? And the beauty is we don't have to guess. Obama tells us himself in his book. You pick it up: Dreams From My Father.

GLENN: Hang on just a second. Dreams From My Father. Not Dreams Of My Father. Dreams From My Father.

D'SOUZA: Which these

GLENN: Critical.

D'SOUZA: Right. I'm not writing about my father's dreams. I'm writing about the dream I got from my father. And who was Barack Obama, Sr.? Once we look at this and once we look a little more closely at him and some of the things he's written, by the way, which are not well known, he wrote an interesting article in the East Africa Journal in 1965 about African socialism. He lays out a bunch of themes. He talks, for example, about what's the ideal rate of taxation, what is the highest permissible rate of taxation.

GLENN: You'll love this, America.

D'SOUZA: And he comes to an interesting conclusion: 100%. Now, 100% taxation. Now, you might say this is crazy, what rational person. But look at the anticolonialist premise. The anticolonialist premise is that the rich guys got rich by ripping off the poor. So Glenn, if I got rich by coming to your house and stealing your furniture, what tax rate should be put on me? It's not my stuff. I've taken it from you unjustly.

GLENN: Right.

D'SOUZA: So no limit to, you can come and get it all back.

GLENN: Right. Now listen, if you, if you want to look at Barack Obama and make sense of his policies, you cannot. For instance, last week the federal government okayed a billion dollar loan to Mexico to drill for oil in the Gulf where we have where we've stopped drilling. Why are we loaning them a billion dollars to drill where we can't? Deep sea, I told you this about five months ago. We've made a gigantic loan to Brazil so they can go and do deep sea drilling off the coast of Brazil. What was it, twice as deep as what we had a problem with? And we shut down all of our oil rigs? Now, why would we take our money and give it to Brazil and give it to Mexico to do the things that we are telling that a president is telling us is too dangerous for the environment to do?

D'SOUZA: This is absolutely critical and in fact I think even Obama's own supporters are misunderstanding him. They think he's a conventional liberal. They think he a he like Al Gore: He thinks the planet is too hot, he thinks that energy consumption for the world is too high, he wants to decrease it across the board. But then we see no, he doesn't. He wants to decrease energy consumption by us while increasing energy availability and consumption by them. In other words, he wants to decrease the wealth of the colonizers, the rich West, and increase the availability of wealth and energy. That's why he proposes huge global transfers of wealth from the wealthy west to the rest. So this anticolonial key opens the lock. We have a lot of other arguments and they're like hammers. They bang around at Obama, they try to fit him into some theory and then there is the rage. The reason I call the book The The Roots of Obama's Rage is that this isn't ideology, this isn't something he picked up in college, flirted with as sort of a quasi Marxist. This is rooted in his own deep personal history. He's a little bit like the guy in the Schwarzenegger movie who comes home and his whole family has been massacred and he becomes a man on a mission. He's got to go back, he's got to settle scores, he's got

GLENN: See, I have to

D'SOUZA: This is Barack Obama.

GLENN: I have to tell you this is the point that we made when we stumbled on grandpa being kept in a British prison camp and then grandma telling Barack this is the story and anticolonial so you see, wait a minute, grandma grandpa was put into a camp for a while because of the British. You see that Dad left his son for this cause, then mom left his her son for this cause. His whole family has sacrificed for generations now for this cause, and somehow or another the media wants you to think that that's irrelevant. I am Abraham Lincoln said everything I am, I owe to my mother. I just told my father this weekend: Almost everything I am I owe to my father. We are a product of what we came from, good or bad.

D'SOUZA: Not only is that true in general but it is especially true of Obama. His publishers gave him a big advance and said go write a book about your life. He wrote a book about his father's life. He took his father's name. So in a sense he says himself and everybody who knows him says this. His granny, Sarah Obama, not his real granny, she's the white she's one of the other wives of his grandfather, Onyango Obama. But she says, I look at him and I see all the same things: The vision of the father is realized in the son. So the people who know Obama see this uncanny resemblance.

I'm saving stuff in the book. I don't want to talk about the grandfather because the story is so fascinating. In effect Obama ends up rejecting his grandfather. In his own book he calls him a house (expletive). He rejects his grandfather and he puts all his hopes in his father. It's a very interesting question why. His grandfather suffered more than his more than.

GLENN: Could I

D'SOUZA: By it's a fascinating psychological narrative that connects to his policies. That's what's so eye opening about it.

GLENN: Could I ask you a favor? I know you were quoting the president but please don't use that word on this program.

D'SOUZA: No, no. I mean I was just sorry. But I was just quoting.

GLENN: No, you are quoting him, I know that but please don't use it.

All right. We're going to continue here in just a second, and I want to go back to his taking his father's name because again it goes back to something that I said on this program and I got heat for and I said, this just, when you change your name, when you do that, it says something. And it's important that people understand, especially from a guy named

D'SOUZA: Named Barry.

GLENN: Named Barry going into Barack and a guy named Dinesh D'Souza, not changing his name. He could be he could be something, you know. He could be, you know, Bob Smith like people used to. There is something to be said for changing names and not changing names. And I want to get into that here in a second.
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:38 PM   #2
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Also I heard from a VERY reliable source that Glen Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990, and that he won't deny it.
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Old 09-16-2010, 09:44 AM   #3
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That's amazingly not at all amazing. D'souza thesis is really disputable, and Beck's enthusiastic swallowing of the thesis is more pink-faced rabble
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Old 09-16-2010, 08:31 PM   #4
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I expect Barry got his marxisit philosophy directly from the University, Rev. Wright, Alinsky and Ayers. This may be true as well but kinda irrelevant. He has marxist bonafides.
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doubles damnit, fluffy banter

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